Reading expands the breadth of a reader’s
vocabulary, which in turn contributes to reading efficiency. In other words, the more you read the better
reader you will become because a richer vocabulary gives more meaning to what
is read. The opposite is also true, the less you read the poorer will be your
vocabulary and the harder it will be for you to bring meaning to text.
Normally, good readers learn most of their new words by using the context and
their own experience of the world to add meaning. Often this meaning will
initially be a gross approximation to the actual meaning of the word. However,
after many encounters with the same word in a variety of contexts the reader
will refine the depth of meaning and also see how meaning can change from one
context to another.
Many children who have mastered decoding may
have difficulty with reading comprehension, particularly after year four. This
is because the language structures are much more complex, much of the vocabulary is unfamiliar, the types of texts differ from the more familiar narrative
structures that they have been accustomed to in the lower grades, and the
emphasis or focus shifts from decoding to comprehension. Often
children with language deficits will struggle and appear to fall behind at this
point. Reading becomes harder and they tend to avoid reading, which then contributes to
poorer vocabulary through lack of exposure to new and unfamiliar words. This
becomes a self-defeating cycle of poor reading comprehension and reading disengagement.
In addition, many children with high functioning autism have
good to very good decoding skills and have a reasonable amount of reading
practice. However, they have more difficulty connecting meaning to new words.
They tend to concentrate on the detail and not so much on connected text such
as; phrases, sentences, paragraphs and longer discourse. They often have language
deficits that hinder this process and have difficulty making appropriate
inferences. This may include their inability to develop text coherence, understand
emotion and other character traits in narrative texts and have difficulties
with executive functioning in working memory. These problems make it difficult
for them to connect with prior knowledge, use the sentence and story context,
and make appropriate inferences about the meanings of unknown words. Thus, they
may read more but their vocabulary suffers as they progress through the grades.
Usually these children are very intelligent and are able to cover their
comprehension deficit but there will come a time when the texts that they are
assigned become too difficult to adequately comprehend. What also makes
detection difficult is the fact that they may appear to be reading fluently with expression but without adequate comprehension.
To help these students there are some very practical ideas
that have been suggested by Susan Gately (2008 see article for more details). I
have listed many of these ideas below but have structured the methods in terms
of my COR Literacy Framework (See earlier Blog) (also see my earlier Blog series on Fluency).
Perceptual Level:
- Visually cued instruction – helps focus on relevant parts of information
- Graphics
- Colour
- Provide concrete and tangible information
- Focus in relevant parts of the story or information
- Priming background knowledge
- Picture walks
- Visual maps
- Understanding narrative text structure
- Emotional thermometers
- Think-alouds
- Reciprocal thinking (also refer to reciprocal teaching - Google)
- Goal-structure-mapping
- Decrease reliance on other prompts and increase independence
Details about these ideas can be found in:
Gately, S. E. (2008). Facilitating reading comprehension
for students on the Autism Spectrum. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 40(3), 40-45.
For a more detailed explanation of vocabulary difficulties see
pages 83-84 in:
Woolley, G. (2007). A comprehension intervention for children with
reading comprehension difficulties. Australian
Journal of Learning Difficulties, 12(1), 43-50.
A very informative article and book chapter related to
problems with vocabulary for children with ASD:
Lopez, B., & Leekham, S. R. (2003). Do children
with autism fail to process information in context? Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 44(2), 285-300.
S. (2007). Language comprehension difficulties in Children with autism spectrum
disorders. In C. Cain and J. Oakhill (Eds.), Children’s Comprehension Problems in Oral and Written Language: A
Cognitive Perspective (pp. 104127), NY : Guilford Press.
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