Sunday, February 26, 2012

Promoting Executive Functioning for Students - Book Review Pt 3

This book helps teachers implement executive function processes and strategies—such as planning, organizing, prioritizing, and self-checking—into the classroom curriculum. Chapters provide practical strategies to enable students to learn more effectively by improving how they think and learn. 

This is a practical and highly informative book directed at classroom teaching and features many useful whole-class ideas and suggestions. The book also shows how to differentiate instruction for students with learning or attention difficulties. 

This is an edited book that incorporates ideas from high quality researchers and practitioners. It is firmly grounded in best teaching practice. 

However, for this up-commig series on working memory I have chosen to draw from the first two chapters because I will be appealing to a wider audience. The other chapters will be useful for other applications, from which I intend to draw ideas that can be applied elsewhere.

I would highly recommend this book for classroom teachers.